CAMBADA (acronym of Cooperative Autonomous Mobile roBots with Advanced Distributed Architecture) is the RoboCup Middle-Size League soccer team of the University of Aveiro (IEETA/DETI), Portugal.

Team Leader Role
(2013 - 2018)
- Responsible for the coordination of the team work during national and international competitions and their respective preparation.
- Restructured the agent software architecture and programmed new agent behaviours and controllers;
- Developed support tools for configuration and calibration of various robot's components.

Researcher (IRIS-Lab, IEETA)
(2009 - 2019)
- Collaboration as a volunteer since the first year in the University;
- Three scholarships awarded;
- Regular presentations and demos to other students and external visitors (industry/colleges/high-schools);
- Supervision of and support for student projects;
- Organizing Committee of the V Intl. MSL Workshop (held in IRIS-Lab, in November 2015).

Participation in Competitions
RoboCup 2019 (Sydney, Australia) RoboCup Portuguese Open 2016 (Bragança, Portugal)
Robotica 2014 (Espinho, Portugal)
DutchOpen 2012 (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Robotica 2010 (Batalha, Portugal)